
public anonymous one-round architectural-urban
competition for accommodation-catering facilities
and technological pavilion in complex
of Academy of Fine Arts and Design
in Bratislava at Drotárska cesta

The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (AFAD) was founded in 1949 and is the largest
art-educational institution of its kind in Slovakia. In 1981 was adopted – and later partly implemented –
the proposal of prof. Dušan Kuzma to build new complex

The current main teaching building is the torso of the modernist monolith of the original architectural design - its third block and other buildings of academic campus were never built. At the end of 20th century it was necessary to build a next floor, project was led by the teacher
prof. akad. arch. Ing. arch. Ján Bahna and Mgr. art. Igor Palčo.

The main teaching building no longer creates sufficient operational conditions for
maintaining the interdisciplinary study or interaction within the creative processes among the different departments, it does not provide enough communication opportunities among members of the academic community and does not create opportunities for the flexible organization of learning processes.

1st Stage

(Implementation of these facilities is planned in short term)

Accommodation and Catering Facility
(dormitory with canteen

Technological Pavilion

Parking Zones
(180 parking lots)

Next Stages

(Implementation of these facilities is planned in long term)

Teaching Studio Pavilion – ateliers: Department of Painting + Department of Architectural Design
Teaching and Lecture Pavilion – aula, classrooms and lecture rooms: Department of Theory and History of Art, Academic Library
Rector's Office and Administration
Free Time Zones


These facilities, including the current building, will form a coherent arts/educational complex in the future where almost all academic activities of the VŠVU will take place. In this sense, we expect that the architecture of the complex will express by its character, expression and quality:

the social significance and long-term position of the AFAD as a top arts and educational institution in domestic and international context,

the cultural importance and stable position of the AFAD as one of the founding institutions within the domestic art scene,

the broad media coverage of the curriculum and the interdisciplinary teaching system that demonstrate its exceptional position,

the dynamics of the ambitious intention of extensive institutional development and intensive action on quality factors of arts education,

the demonstration of the introduction of progress into academic operation, institutional identity and institutional culture of the AFAD,

a strong emotional effect, strengthening the value of the institution, place and location.

 25 October 2018

date of competition’s announcement


9 November 2018,12:00

3 December 2018,12:00

joint inspection of the area
+ visit of interior spaces of the existing AFAD building 


21 January 2019, 15:00

deadline for submission of competition proposals
(= deadline for explanation of the Terms and Conditions)


29, 30 January 2019

expected date of the jury’s evaluation session


6 February 2019

expected date for announcement and publication of results


13 February 2019

expected date for publication of competition proposals

First Prize

20 000 €

Second Prize

12 000 €

Third Prize

7 000 €

The amount reserved for remuneration: 6 000 €
The estimated cost of building in the 1st stage: 9 000 000 € excluding VAT
Maximum value of contract: 453 728,5 € excluding VAT

registration and communication

registration and communication uses Eranet system 

terms and conditions, assignment and competition instruments are available at


questions and answers

delivery of proposals

The proposal is deemed to have been delivered in time if the first part was delivered through the Eranet system and simultaneously the second part was delivered to the inviting party by the end of the submission deadline
21 January 2019, 3pm.
Proposals received after the deadline will not be reviewed.

First Part

First part of the proposal will contain pdf file with design presented on 4 formats 700 x 1000 mm according to clause 8.2 of Terms and Conditions and pdf file with scans of documents according to clause 8.3 of Terms and Conditions.

Second Part

Second part of the proposal will be submitted in person, by post or by courier. Place of delivery is Mgr. Ondrej Tkáč, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Hviezdoslavovo námestie 18, 814 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic. It will consist of documents according to clause 8.3 of Terms and Conditions.